As an asset that can be used to advance its goals, as well as structured human resources processes , properly carrying out the payroll process and complying with increased legislation and regulation .
Our professional staff is comprised of auditors, payroll accountants, attorneys specializing in labor laws, organizational consultants, database experts familiar with payroll and human resource areas etc. Our staff has extensive experience and knowledge in providing comprehensive services to the private and public sectors, including areas of human resource management, payroll and social rights, such as:
- Payroll/salary examination (including as a "certified payroll examiner") in compliance with the Law for Increased Enforcement of Labor Laws.
- Formation of organizational structure for payroll controls, including development of structured work methods for the payroll unit, human resource unit and other relevant units.
- Developing advanced procedures for human resource management and payroll processing, including an adequate controls system
- Providing outsourced payroll control services.
- Assessing the organization's level of compliance with laws and regulations and offering recommendations to minimize errors, exposure and gaps.
- Independent internal audits of payroll and human resource topics, including monthly salary payment, social rights, termination of employment relationships, agency workers' rights, computerized system controls, etc.
- Payroll audits using computerized tools (examination of 100% of data and populations)